Providing, delivering and installing duct while school is in session is no easy task. But the combined efforts of Hamlin Sheet Metal, their representative Hoffman & Hoffman, and install-ing contractor Harris Heating & Plumbing Co., say they have so far been successful on the Henrico County High School project in Richmond, Va.

The project consists of the renovations of nine free-standing buildings, the partial demolition, renovation and connection of the gymnasium, auditorium and an instructional building with more than 55,000 square feet of new construction. 

Spiral ductwork at Henrico County High School

More than 20,000 pounds of flat-oval and round ductwork and fittings are being used on the Henrico High School project. 

Roughly 20,500 pounds of flat oval and round duct and fittings have been provided by Hamlin for the HVAC construction project. Harris has had eight sheet metal workers on site, and the project is currently ahead of schedule, officials say. Harris chose to purchase flanges from Hamlin Sheet Metal on the majority of the duct, which expedites the installation and saves installation time.

The majority of the duct was used in a medium pressure variable-air-volume system where leakage test were required. The duct performed perfectly with the first test.

Harris Heating and Plumbing of Ashland, Va., has been in business since 1950. Hamlin Sheet Metal was established in 1954 by William F. Hamlin Sr. Today, the Hamlin Cos. and its subsidiaries remain privately owned and operated under the leadership of Will Hamlin — with tremendous support from each and every employee, officials add.

The years of experience that these three companies share and the commitment to customer satisfaction shine on projects such as Henrico County High School.

This article originally appeared in the January 2015 issue of SNIPS magazine. This article and its images were supplied by Hamlin Sheet Metal.