Using thousands of rolls of Duck Tape, students and faculty members from the Art Academy of Cincinnati assembled life-sized tape sculptures for a June 18-20 festival in Duck Tape’s home town of Avon, Ohio. 

For the past 18 years the company has held the free event, there’s always a new theme. This year’s was baseball, leading to tape sculptures of everything from hotdogs to baseball mitt chairs.

While it’s estimated the event drew 50,000 people in 2022, the festival has cumulatively brought about 800,000 people to Avon to celebrate the city’s heritage in the duct tape industry. 

Cincinnati isn’t alone in hosting Duck Tape-themed parties. Anchorage also hosts its own “unofficial” event, where attendees at a fundraising ball wear duct tape top hats and suits. Read more about the ball in “Duct debutantes,” a 2003 article in SNIPS by former editor Michael McConnell.