You can now sign up to attend the ACCA’s October Service Managers Forum.

The HVAC market event will take place Oct. 22-23 at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis.

The ACCA has booked a number of experts to help commercial HVAC sales and residential HVAC construction service managers learn techniques and tips to boost their success.

"The Service Managers Forum continues to be one of our most popular educational events each year and we are excited to be going to Indianapolis, for our eighth year," said Kevin Holland, the Air Conditioning Contractors of America's senior vice president of business operations and membership. "We've packed the schedule with an exciting line up of learning labs that focuses on management principles that all service managers need to be successful. We've brought back some of our most popular speakers and have sought out some new speakers who have experience in not just HVAC, but also plumbing and electrical. This event is about learning, growing and helping attendees move to the next level of success. By expanding the fields of experience our speakers have, we are pulling in new perspectives that will offer fresh ideas for attendees to take back and improve their operations."
The event will open with Dean Savoca, a business coach who will talk about "Moving Your Team to Winning Results." The ACCA has scheduled 12 learning labs over two days. Among the sessions scheduled:

“Building a High Performance, Winning Team,” presented by Rusty Cochran of We Care Heating & Cooling

“Ending Office & Field Employee Conflicts,” presented by Sal Vigilante of Vigilante Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

 “Residential Service Department Productivity,” presented by Vince DiFilippo from DiFilippo’s Service Co.  Inc.

“Call-backs: Reducing and Controlling the Profit-Eating Beast,” presented by Eric Knaak of Isaac Heating & Cooling

"Maintenance Agreements: the Good, Bad and Ugly,” presented by Matt Marsiglio of Flame Furnace

For more information or to register, go to or call (703) 575-4477. Special pricing is available until Aug. 17.