As Congress enters its end-of-term “lame duck” session, the Blue Green Alliance has some suggestions on what it should tackle.

“Before Congress adjourns for the year, Americans want Congress to step up and help create jobs with common sense legislation,” said alliance Executive Director Kim Glas. “One way to do that is to renew the production tax credit for wind projects, which will create good jobs in manufacturing while also helping to reduce emissions and transition our nation to clean energy. Second, Congress must pass an omnibus spending bill that responsibly funds government without the introduction of policy riders that will slow down the process. Third, we should take the opportunity now to pass a fully funded transportation reauthorization bill, shoring up the highway trust fund for the future. Fourth, Congress must take steps to eliminate the backlog of nominations and appointments of over 200 vacancies that threaten consumer well-being, workplace safety and much more.

“The lame duck session should not be used as an opportunity to pass controversial and divisive measures; it should be used as an opportunity to pass meaningful bi-partisan legislation," Glas said. "That means we must also reject ‘fast track’ authority for international trade agreements, which would shut out public input from this and future agreements. This year’s lame-duck session doesn’t have to live up to its name. It’s time to get some work done to turn today’s environmental challenges into economic and job-creating opportunities.”  

 The Blue Green is a made of environmental and union groups. Its members include the sheet metal works union the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, which goes by the acronym SMART.