Proposed changes to an ASHRAE/Illuminating Energy Society standard are now open for public review. Seventeen addenda are being considered to Standard 90.1-2010, “Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.” According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, five of the proposed addenda relate to HVACR equipment efficiencies.

Among them are five proposed changes related to HVACR equipment efficiencies. These include an addendum that would add minimum efficiencies for evaporative condensers used in ammonia based refrigeration systems, and updates references to cooling tower standards published by the Cooling Technology Institute.


“The scope of Standard 90.1 was expanded in the 2010 edition to cover many new building types, including supermarkets and cold storage warehouses,” said Frank Morrison, committee member. “As part of this expanded scope, the 90.1 committee worked with stakeholders to establish minimum efficiencies for evaporative condensers often used in the ammonia refrigeration systems found in these facilities.”


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