NorthWrite’s Energy WorkSite, an award-winning energy monitoring and verification software, is now available as part of AirAdvice’s BuildingAdvice programs.

AirAdvice announced April 29 that it would use NorthWrite Building Management Solutions software on some of its energy services products.

NorthWrite’s Energy WorkSite, an award-winning energy monitoring and verification software, is now available as part of AirAdvice’s BuildingAdvice programs.

“AirAdvice shares our vision of developing new channels and methods to deliver energy services, and brings a wealth of expertise with commercial HVAC contractors,” said Patrick O’Neill, CEO of NorthWrite. “This partnership gives building owners and operators greater access to our solutions than we could never achieve on our own, and gives contractors access to all of NorthWrite’s solutions through AirAdvice.”

Jim Crowder, president and CEO of AirAdvice, said he was happy about the partnership.

“This partnership gives us immediate access to products that greatly enhance our offering,” Crowder said. “Being able to provide a robust, low-cost monitoring and verification solution, combined with BuilidngAdvice’s existing products, significantly increases the value of the offering to the building owner.”