Green technology company Ecobee has upgraded its Smart thermostat using the Internet.

Green technology company Ecobee has upgraded its Smart thermostat with software users can access through the Internet.

New features of the upgraded, downloadable operating software includes password protection so only those authorized can change the thermostat’s temperature settings, the ability to group thermostats to change them all at once and an extended temperature-alert range.

“Our goal from the beginning was to deliver on-going innovation through seamless software upgrades. Our customers provided valuable feedback and we implemented many of their suggestions in this update,” said Ecobee CEO Stuart Lombard. “We encourage our customers' input as this helps our team build great products and a better company.”

The improvements should help customers, Lombard added.

"These on-going free upgrades provide new ways for consumers to save money, conserve energy and reduce their environmental impact,” he said.